Journey to Ruhengeri

9/17/2022 - Journey to Ruhengeri              

Life in a Rwandan Reconciliation Village  

Reconciliation or retribution? Could you forgive a perpetrator who slaughtered your loved ones with a machete? I don't think I could. So imagine what it must be like to listen to the victim and perpetrator who sat side by side on the same bench before describing their story. 

How can you not love these children and their families and marvel at their ability to forgive?

Dawn was the pied piper and the first to volunteer 
when it came to wielding a hoe or shovel.

Florence was our local guide and a magnet for a group photo.

And like most countries, the men just sat around 
while the women did the cooking.

Florence designed a cool T-shirt we all loved, 
especially the back.

Muzungu in the Mist with an attitude.

Local color on the way to Akagera National Park 

Unanimous winner of the most-loaded produce bicycle.

Developing gathering at the water pump

Looks like a bong, but this gourd is for two 
to share, sipping sorghum beer.
(Barbara and I discovered it's clearly an acquired taste.)

Unanimous winner for transporting three pieces of folded furniture.

Makin' bacon - a short visit of "learning and discovery."

I discovered why small children were drawn to Bo 
when I noticed her grabbing cookies before leaving the jeep.

I never tired of the most beautiful smiles 
of these kind and generous people.



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