Rwanda is not an easy country to reach. Flight times from Sarasota to Atlanta, Atlanta to Amsterdam, and Amsterdam to Kigali, totaled 18 hours and 25 minutes, over a two-day period. You can imagine my relief when we deplaned in Kigali, but things quickly took an unexpected twist, when one of the customs agents insisted I owed $50 for my Rwanda visa (especially considering I paid $160 for the full-page, full-color one attached to one of my passport pages). Finally her boss overruled her, and I thought I was on my way to baggage claim for my safari duffel bag, which thankfully made the journey intact. I and two other OAT travelers headed outside to meet our driver, and other weird things started happening. The first man had no OAT id - just 2 names typed on a sheet of paper (mine was not one of them.) When we pulled into the Park Inn, I realized there was an issue - my hotel was des Mille Collines. Apparently two different OAT groups were traveling to Rwanda...
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